Eli valkoiselle pohjalle lakkasin tippitarran avulla oranssin tipin ja siihen leimasin Konadilla kuvion levystä m56. Ja nimettömään värit tuli tietysti toisinpäin. Hämähäkit leimasin laatasta m1 (koska se on ainoa Halloween-teemaan sopiva kuva, mitä mulla on), ja lopuksi viimeistelin tipin rajan nail art linerilla ja laitoin päällyslakan.
Hyvää pyhäinpäivää kaikille!

I wanted to do a Halloween manicure even though I don't have any parties to attend this year. Halloween is not such a big deal in Finland yet, but it's getting bigger every year.
Anyway, using tip guides, I painted an orange tip on top of the white base colour (vice versa on the accent nail) and stamped the black Konad image from plate m56. Then I removed the guides and stamped the spiders from plate m1. The spider image is the only one I have that has anything to do with Halloween, so I kinda had to use it. Finally, I painted a stripe on the smile line with a nail art liner and applied a top coat.
For base coat, I always use NailTek II since my nails peel easily. NailTek has really helped me a lot with that. For top coat I use various brands, but when stamping with Konad, I use Konad's own top coat because it doesn't smudge the images.
Happy Halloween everyone!