tiistai 21. kesäkuuta 2011
keskiviikko 15. kesäkuuta 2011
Fimo Nail Art
Tilasin vastikään eBaysta fimo-pötköjä, joita mulla ei ole ennen ollutkaan. Tämä ei nyt ole mikään kovin originaali design; halusin vain kokeilla, miten fimot toimivat. Aluksi oli hankalaa saada siivuista tarpeeksi ohuita, mutta kyllä se alkoi onnistua kun vähän aikaa harjoitteli. Kiinnitin siivut päällyslakalla, ja ne pysyivät tosi hyvin, eli liimaa ei tarvittu. Lopuksi levitin kerroksen Seche Vite -päällyslakkaa, joka antoi kynsille mukavan geelimäisen pinnan.
I recently ordered my first Fimo canes from eBay. This design is not very original; I just wanted to see how the Fimo canes work. At first it was difficult to cut the slices sufficiently thin, but then I got the hang of it. I attached the slices using top coat and they stuck really well, so there was no need to use glue. Finally I sealed the slices with Seche Vite top coat, which gave the mani a nice, gel-like surface.
I recently ordered my first Fimo canes from eBay. This design is not very original; I just wanted to see how the Fimo canes work. At first it was difficult to cut the slices sufficiently thin, but then I got the hang of it. I attached the slices using top coat and they stuck really well, so there was no need to use glue. Finally I sealed the slices with Seche Vite top coat, which gave the mani a nice, gel-like surface.
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